Big Data Processing Course Introduction

Guillaume Eynard-Bontemps, CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales - French Space Agency)



Course Overview

  • Big Data Processing

Harnessing the complexity of large amounts of data is a challenge in itself.

But Big Data processing is more than that: originally characterized by the 3 Vs of Volume, Velocity and Variety, the concepts popularized by Hadoop and Google requires dedicated computing solutions (both software and infrastructure), which will be explored in this module.


By the end of this module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the differences and usage between main distributed computing architectures (HPC, Big Data, Cloud, CPU vs GPGPU)
  • Implement the distribution of simple operations via the Map/Reduce principle in PySpark
  • Connect on a cloud computing engine (e.g. Google Cloud Platform) and use it
  • Understand the principle of containers (through Docker) and Kubernetes
  • Deploy a Big Data Processing Platform on the Cloud
  • Implement the distribution of data wrangling/cleaning and training machine learning algorithms using PyData stack, Jupyter notebooks and Dask

Typical daily schedule

Time slot Content
9:00-10:30 Slides, tutorial or exercises
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:15 Slides, tutorial or exercises
12:15-13:15 Lunch (I know it’s a bit short)
13:15-15:15 Slides, tutorial or exercises (not nap)
15:15-15:45 Coffee Break (we may also make two breaks of 15min)
15:45-17:15 Slides, tutorial or exercises (last session, at last)

I’ll try to propose some quizz to be sure you’re following!

About myself

  • Guillaume Eynard-Bontemps
  • CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales - French Space Agency)
  • Since 2016:
    • 5 years on CNES Computing Center team
    • Technical lead of the team
    • 3 years of using Dask/Python on HPC and in the Cloud
    • A bit of Kubernetes and Google Cloud
  • Before that: 5 years on Hadoop and Spark
  • Originally: Software developer (a lot of Java)

About yourselves

What are the previous courses you’ve followed in this master?

What are you familiar with in the big data, cloud, Python and machine learning subjects?

First quizz

Let’s try the Quizz mechanism.

What is this course module main subject?

  • Answer A: Cloud computing
  • Answer B: Big Data Processing
  • Answer C: Machine Learning

Answer link


Day 1: Big Data, Distributed Computing and Spark

  • Introduction to Big Data and its ecosystem (1h)
    • What is Big Data?
    • Legacy “Big Data” ecosystem
    • Big Data use cases
    • Big Data to Machine Learning
  • Big Data platforms, Hadoop & Beyond (2h)
    • Hadoop, HDFS and MapReduce,
    • Datalakes, Data Pipelines
    • From HPC to Big Data to Cloud and High Performance Data Analytics
    • BI vs Big Data
    • Hadoop legacy: Spark, Dask, Object Storage …
  • Spark Introduction (1h)
  • Play with MapReduce through Spark (Notebook on small datasets) (2h)

Day 2: Cloud Computing and Kubernetes

  • Introduction to Cloud Computing (2h)
    • What’s the Cloud, Virtualization
    • Cloud history, layers, Engines
    • Usage revolution and new Data processing standard
    • Google Cloud Engine
  • First interaction with Google Cloud, how to get a server? (1h)
    • Exercise through Google console or cloud CLI
  • Container & Kubernetes (2h)
    • Container & Docker
    • Play with Docker
    • Kubernetes & CaaS & PaaS (Databricks, Coiled)
    • Play with Kubernetes (if we have time)
  • Deploy a Data processing platform on the Cloud based on Kubernetes and Dask (1.5h)
    • Exercise: DaskHub or Dask Kubernetes or Pangeo

Day 3: Python ecosystem for data processing and Dask

  • The rise of the Python ecosystem for Data Processing (1.5h)
    • Data Science programming languages
    • Pydata stack (Pandas, Numpy, Matlplotlib, Jupyter)
    • Distributed and sctientific processing (Dask, PySpark)
    • Data vizualisation (Seaborn, Plotly, Pyviz)
    • Machine and Deep Learning (Sickit Learn, TensorFlow, Pytorch)
    • Jupyter notebooks, Binder, Google Colab
  • Pandas tutorial (1h)
  • Dask Presentation (1h)
  • Dask Tutorial (2h)
  • Pangeo tutorial or finish deploying your computing platform (1h)

Day 4: Evaluation

  • Prerequisite: Pangeo platform deployed before (on day 2 and 3)
  • Clean big amounts of data using Dask in the cloud (3h)
  • Train machine learning models in parallel (hyper parameter search) (3h)
  • Notebook with cell codes to fill or answers to give


What will we do today (multiple choices)?

  • Answer A: Explain what’s Big Data
  • Answer B: See what’s Hadoop
  • Answer C: Dig into Cloud computing
  • Answer D: Take a nap
  • Answer E: Some Spark

Answer link